The Importance of Professional Heating Installations: Ensuring Safety and Performance

Homeowners sometimes consider saving money on heating installation costs by doing the project themselves. An HVAC system is a huge investment that must have every component installed correctly. The consequences of improperly installed HVAC systems far outweigh the short-term savings. Even DIY aficionados need assistance when it is time to install heaters in your home. […]
What Does HVAC Stand For?

HVAC has a very simple meaning, yet it refers to the complex systems that keep your home comfortable and your indoor air free from contaminants. The letters in this acronym stand for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Therefore, HVAC systems function by heating or cooling the air and filtering it before releasing the treated air […]
How to Choose the Best Heating System for Your Home

When it’s time to choose a new heating system, you have many details to consider. Perhaps most importantly, you’ll want to know how it affects your energy bills. Every heating system varies in efficiency, meaning they’ll impact your energy usage differently. Every system has a set of pros and cons, and which is best for […]
Should You Shutdown Your Furnace for the Summer?

When summer arrives and you know you won’t need your furnace for the next few months, instead relying on your AC, should you shut the furnace down completely?
Signs a Gas Furnace Isn’t Venting Properly

Poor gas furnace venting is a serious problem that we want to help you identify.
Warnings of a Malfunctioning Gas Furnace

Speedy furnace repairs require that you know if you’ve got a malfunctioning furnace in the first place.
Is It Possible for a Furnace to Corrode?

The best way to stop corrosion from happening is to schedule professional maintenance for the furnace annually.
How to Tell You Need to Replace Your Old Boiler

It’s important for you to recognize the warning signs that your boiler is reaching its retirement age.
Flame Roll-Out in a Furnace: What You Need to Know

Flame Roll-Out in a Furnace: What You Need to Know | Peak Home PerformanceEven the best maintenance and diligent repairs won’t prevent 100% of furnace malfunctions, such as the topic we’re going to examine today: flame roll-out.
Several Common Boiler Problems

Below are several of the more common boiler problems. Call us to resolve these when you notice them.