Common Bathroom Plumbing Repair Needs


You really don’t know how much time you spend in your bathroom until something is going wrong with it. Think about it—how often do you think about the sink at your vanity before it starts to waft up foul odors. You probably spend hours at your sink throughout the week in when you think about […]

What’s Considered “Emergency” Plumbing?

Clearing of blocked hammered polluted black metal U siphon

For the most part, emergency plumbing problems are unexpected issues. If you’re wondering if the plumbing problem that you’re having is considered an “emergency” problem that’s worthy of calling a professional after hours, we’re here to make it clear for you. We’re proud to say that we understand the homeowner at Peak Home Performance. We […]

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At Peak Home Performance, we are committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities enjoy full access to our websites. In recognition of this commitment, we are in the process of making modifications to increase the accessibility and usability of this website, using the relevant portions of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0) as our standard. Please be aware that our efforts are ongoing. If at any time you have difficulty using this website or with a particular web page or function on this site, please contact us by phone at (719) 888-5705; or email us at and place “Web Content Accessibility (ADA)” in the subject heading and we will make all reasonable efforts to assist you.