One of the best advantages of having a boiler to warm your home is that it can outlast most other heating systems. You’ll get 10–15 years from a heat pump, around 15 years for a gas furnace, and maybe 20 years from an electric furnace. But if you treat your gas boiler right, always having it maintained in fall and repaired when necessary, you may get over 20 years of effective service and possibly 30 years. That’s an impressive length of time for such a powerful appliance to work.
But any boiler’s time will run out. It’s important for you to recognize the warning signs that your boiler is reaching its retirement age. Otherwise you might end up with a failed boiler during a freezing mid-winter night! An over-the-hill boiler is also a money waster.
We’ll help you with our expert knowledge about heating in Parker, CO. Below are several major signs you have a boiler that’s ready to ride off into the sunset.
A boiler that’s over 20 years old doesn’t automatically need a replacement. But we recommend you pay closer attention to it at this point for warnings of a decline. Any of the other signs below are more serious for a boiler that’s over two decades in service. And if your boiler is over 30 years—even if it’s outwardly working fine—we advise you to replace it before major problems strike.
Uneven or Inferior Heating
Is your old boiler struggling to deliver the same level of heat to your home, or is it leaving some rooms cold while the rest of the house is fine? This is one of the biggest red flags of a dying heating system. Sometimes repairs can correct these issues, but for an older boiler the best way forward is to invest in a replacement heating system.
High Heating Costs
We hope you keep a close track on your heating bills each month, because a gradual rise in the cost to heat your home during the winter will alert you to a dying boiler. First account for an increase in energy costs or a greater use of the heating system. If the bills still seem too high, it’s time to call for technicians to give the boiler an inspection and find out if it’s ready for the recycling yard.
Leaks can occur at any time during a boiler’s life. But persistent and common leaks occur when a boiler is starting to fail. These leaks often come from worn-down connections, overheating, limescale, and other effects of aging. If you see water leaking from the tank, then call for a boiler replacement right away.
Boilers have corrosion defenses built into them, but these will start to fail as the heaters enter their “golden years.” Once corrosion gets hold of a boiler, there’s not much you can do about it except to get a new one.
You don’t need to make the choice to replace your boiler on your own. Rely on the experts at Peak Home Performance: Guaranteed Comfort and Affordability.