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What’s Considered “Emergency” Plumbing?

For the most part, emergency plumbing problems are unexpected issues. If you’re wondering if the plumbing problem that you’re having is considered an “emergency” problem that’s worthy of calling a professional after hours, we’re here to make it clear for you.

We’re proud to say that we understand the homeowner at Peak Home Performance. We don’t get lost in the fact that we’re professionals here and this is never more evident than it is in our blogs. We’re not going to assume that you know the ins and outs of your plumbing system because it’s complex and honestly quite niche. We’re going to explain in plainly here. If find that you need emergency plumbing in Colorado Springs, CO after this, just make sure that you pick up the phone and call us.

This is an Emergency Plumbing Issue

Okay, so let’s talk about what’s considered an emergency plumbing issue. Here are a few examples:

A Sewer Backup

Have you noticed an arresting stench in your home? This is more than likely a sewer backup. Not only is this offensive on your senses, it’s also a potential problem with your health that you need to sort out sooner than later. Sewer backups are problems that should be handled fast because they can easily get out of control.

A Lack of Water

Have you noticed that it’s not possible for you to get the water you need or maybe you’ve seen your water completely cut off? This is a problem you’re going to need to pay attention to as well. This isn’t something you want to brush off. Address it ASAP.

Blocked Drains and/or Toilets

Have you noticed that you have blocked or backed up drains? This also isn’t a problem that you just want to ignore or try to work around. Just make sure that you don’t try to fix this problem on your own. Go to a professional.

A Gas Leak

Do you think that you might have a gas leak in your home? You’re going to need to schedule an appointment with our team. Gas leaks are a problem that can really affect your home and your personal health. You need to get this issue under control sooner than later.

Don’t Panic! Call Us.

Something that we find often with plumbing emergencies is that homeowners quickly start to panic and then they do things that aren’t in their best interest in the long run. We get what it’s like to panic and just start moving instead of thinking, but we want to underscore the importance of thinking when it comes to your plumbing system.

If you’re going to start moving during an emergency, just make sure that all you’re doing is moving toward your phone to dial our number. Anything outside of this is probably a bad decision. Any damage control that you think you’re doing is a problem. We can handle everything with ease. Just make sure that you get in touch with us.

Just contact the team at Peak Home Performance today to get started!

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