Signs a Gas Furnace Isn’t Venting Properly

Poor gas furnace venting is a serious problem that we want to help you identify.
Flame Roll-Out in a Furnace: What You Need to Know

Flame Roll-Out in a Furnace: What You Need to Know | Peak Home PerformanceEven the best maintenance and diligent repairs won’t prevent 100% of furnace malfunctions, such as the topic we’re going to examine today: flame roll-out.
Several Common Boiler Problems

Below are several of the more common boiler problems. Call us to resolve these when you notice them.

Yes, it’s already fall. The weather may not be behaving like it yet, but the season is underway and we’ll soon need to start thinking about preparing our homes for colder temperatures. In the world of HVAC, this means it’s time to schedule heater maintenance in Castle Rock, CO. And Peak has your back when […]
Do I Need to Get a New AC When the Compressor Fails?

The compressor is the heart of an air conditioning system. It’s the component that puts refrigerant under pressure so it will circulate and carry out the process of heat exchange that cools down a home. Without a working compressor, a central air conditioner is nothing more than a large central fan. The compressor is also […]
AC Short-Cycling: What It Is, Why You Want It Repaired

Short-cycling is when an AC or heat pump becomes trapped in an abbreviated start-up cycle.