Is it time for you to invest in a new furnace? You need a trustworthy heating company to complete the project. Make Peak Home Performance your first call when searching for a “heating company near me.” Our team will work with you to fix or maintain your HVAC system, choose the most effective system, and complete your heating installation in Colorado Springs or any of the surrounding cities.
We work with you to truly understand your needs and provide you with the best heating system possible. Whether that’s a forced air system, a boiler, or a heat pump remains to be seen — we’ll only know once we get to know you! Our team takes the time to understand the details of your unique case and home, so we can provide you with tailored advice and a fair estimate for our service.
Not many homeowners know the difference between having their heating system installed or replaced by a professional rather than an amateur, but there absolutely is one. Heaters must be sized accordingly, and according to consumer reports, over 50% of HVAC systems installed in homes in the United States are improperly sized.
An improperly sized forced-air heater will short-cycle, constantly turning on and off, because it’s either providing too much heat or can’t provide enough to complete a full heating cycle. Also, an incorrectly installed boiler or hydronic heater might spring a leak, which could be devastating to your home and cause incessant water damage. Trust us; get your heater installed the right way. Call Peak Home Performance today!